Ministry of the Single-heartedSince 1996

Ministry of the Single-heartedSince 1996


Confirmation Retreats

Student Confirmation Retreats

       For many Catholic Parishes, it is an unfortunate reality that many students celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation and yet do not continue to be active in the faith they profess in this beautiful sacrament.

      It is our goal, through a confirmation retreat, to help young people understand that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). He wants to work in their lives with the same way He did through the Apostles at Pentecost. 

      This is only possible through a daily commitment and true relationship with Jesus Christ.

     This message is presented through music, fun, multimedia, personal witness, small group activity, and prayer.

Combination Student, Parent, & Sponsor Confirmation Retreats

     Over the years we have witnessed the opening of parents’ and sponsor’s hearts and a deepening desire to explore and live their own faith as parents & sponsors take part in the experience of this event along side their on child. A child like faith is stirred as a parent or sponsor witnesses it in their own child.

      This retreat format is set up to use fun, music and an age appropriate prayer experience to Illustrate Jesus’ love for each person as well as His desire to be with them everyday and most especially through the  Sacraments.

Parents & Sponsors of Students celebrating Confirmation

     This retreat experience is a challenge to parents and sponsors presented in a loving, gentle, and straightforward manner to live the faith that they are now encouraging their own children to profess in this beautiful Sacrament.      
     Through joy, music, & prayer the focus is to help parents realize how much they are loved and valued by God as His own children so that they may be able share that message of God’s love with their own children through their own words and actions in life.
Ministry of the Single-hearted